Our five-phase process is designed to ensure optimum membrane performance
GES distinguishes itself from other suppliers not only by the quality of our materials, but by the comprehensiveness of our support. As a Garland Industries company, the GES business model combines the highest quality materials with energy consulting and project management services, as appropriate, to ensure the successful implementation of our reusable containment membrane solutions.
Our containment contractor relationships follow a five-phase process designed to ensure optimum efficiency:
- Phase 1 - conference with contractor to identify the proper solution, with site visit when appropriate
- Phase 2 - customized specifications and details prepared by a professional engineer
- Phase 3 - pre-installation conference to confirm scheduling, layout, installation procedures and site safety
- Phase 4 - on-time delivery of materials from our conveniently located North Carolina manufacturing facility
- Phase 5 - post-installation conference to ensure long-term performance, with site visit when appropriate